Flying in a dirty helicopter reflects poor standards, and here’s why... WINDOWS – Dirty windows obscure your view and can become a major distraction, especially when you need a clear line of sight. AIRFRAME – A dirty airframe could mean you miss something important during the pre-flight inspection. Dirt and grime also increase the risk of corrosion over time. Plus, what does a dirty helicopter say about you and your operation? If you can’t be bothered to keep your aircraft clean, it suggests you might cut corners elsewhere, too. BLADES – Dirty blades increase drag, reduce lift, and require more power to hover and fly – possibly more than what’s available! Keeping blades clean helps ensure optimal performance. Remember the old adage, “Treat them clean, keep them keen!” Cleaning your helicopter is also a great opportunity to get up close and personal with the machine. You may spot small issues that have changed since your last clean – a bit of real preventive maintenance! If you’re not sure how to keep your Robinson clean, reach out to us, or just check the R44 POH, Section 8.